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Ways To Increase HgH Levels Naturally

Eight ( 8 ) suggestions, that you can do, to Elevate your Growth Hormone naturally.

Use the GHR Platinum Capsules Three Hours After Your Last Meal

The Pancreas produces and releases the Hormone Insulin to digest the food we eat. When we consume a lot of Carbohydrates ( Starches and Sugars ) at one time, the Pancreas will release much more Insulin.

Therefore, if you eat a lot of Carbohydrates, the levels of your Insulin are going to increase quickly. Normally, takes about two ( 2 ) to three ( 3 ) hours of time for the Insulin levels to settle down and become stabilze.

There are two specific Hormones among others, that manage the release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ). The first is Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone ( GH-RH ) which stimulates the Pituitary Glandi. The second is Somatostatin ( SS ) which is secreted by the Hypothalamus Gland that is connected to it. However, the problem is that higher Insulin levels can actually cause a lower the secretion in the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ), as shown by various research studies.


The human body produces more Growth Hormone ( GH ) at night when we are sleeping. So if you eat lots of Starches and Sugars within a period of about three ( 3 ) hours before bedtime, then your INSULIN levels are probably going to be very HIGH. as a result, then your Growth Hormone levels that night are probably going to be very LOW.

Furthermore, there happens to be a particular Stage of Sleeping, during the Sleep Cycle when Growth Hormone ( GH )  is actually released into the brain and body. And 
HIGH levels of INSULIN can cause your body and mind to spend LESS  time in that critical sleeping phase - when the release of your Growth Hormone ( GH ) is supposed to occur.


This is why we strongly suggest that you to wait at least three ( 3 ) hours after
your last meal of the day to take the GHR PLATINUM veggie capsules.


Generally speaking, it is better for your overall health to NOT go to sleep while your body is still in the Digestion Process.  Taking this into consideration can help you to achieve better from using the product.

Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

The Quality of Sleep that you get is related to the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that your body will produce and release. Merely sleeping a lot of hours is not enough. The Quality of Sleep during those hours is probably more important than the Number of those hours. The reason for this is the following. It is based on how the Sleep Cycle works and when during the Four Stages of Sleep that our Growth Hormone ( GH ) is actually released.

Therefore, one of the keys to raising your levels of Growth Hormone ( GH ) is to improve your Quality of Sleept.

So in addition to implementing various suggestions provided on this page, we also include the following:


  • Try to go to sleep between 9 pm and 10 pm at night.
    Going to sleep very late, affects how much HGH your body will produce that night.


  • Also remember to make sure that you finish your last meal of the day, at least Three ( 3 ) hours before your sleeping time.


Moreover, here are some other things that you can do that could help enhance the Quality of your Sleep:

  • Sleep in a cool, dark room, in a quiet area

  • Make a routine of getting to sleep around the same time each night

  • Try to get into a calm and relaxed mood ( physically, mentally and emotionally ), before going to sleeping.
    ( Taking a warm bath or listening to gentle music might can help. )


The GHR PLATINUM products can significantly help you to  fall asleep sooner. They can also greatly enhance the Quality of Sleep that you get each night. After just a few weeks of using it ( perhaps a bit longer for some people ), you will begin to notice the amazing difference it can provide you. You will start to look and feel the improvements it affords.


With improved sleep quality, you will have more sustained energy and increased vitality. You will experience better mental clarity, focus, concentration and memory. You will have improved libido and so much more.

Increase Your Levels of Amino Acids - Arginine and Lysine

There is a lot of clinical research that shows that certain Amino Acids ( ARGININE and LYSINE ) can raise the production and secretion of Growth Hormone ( GH ). Furthermore, other research has discovered that the Amino Acid TYROSINE is added to both of those, then there is an even greater increase Growth Hormone release.

For these reasons, all three of these amino acids, as well as certain other ones, are contained in the Doctor-Approved formulations of the GHR PLATINUM products. These are just a few of the research studies showing that ARGININE and LYSINE can elevate HGH levels.


Moreover, the GHR PLATINUM supplements contain the specific amino acids in the Right Ratio and Molecular Weight, in a Proprietary Blend, that helps your body to replenish and restore your own HGH levels in a sfae, natural and effective way.

Increase Your Levels of Amino Acid - GABA

GABA ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ) is a unique Amino Acid that works as an important brain NeuroTransmitter. It acts by slowing down, or even blocking, certain communication signals from the brain to the rest of the body via the Nervous SystemIn this capacity, it produces a calming effect on the entire Central Nervous System. Researchers believe that GABA is involved regulating hyperactivity of nerve cells which are links to the conditions caused by stress, anxiety or fear.

Research shows that GABA improves the sleep cycle by calming the nervous system. It works through the substance that is called Gamma hydroxy Butyrate, as a powerful stimulator in the release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH )​. In this way, it helps to improve Stage 3 and Stage 4 of your Sleep Cycle.

The GHR PLATINUM Anti Aging HgH Releaser products include an amount of GABA in the Proprietary Blend of the HGH Enhancers Complex.

Use Coconut Oil

The brain is c=made up of approximately 60% FAT. Lipids ( Fatty Acids ) help to manage both the creation and then the functioning of neuron cells in the brain. These fats also reduce inflammation there, which could cause a lot of harm and damage to brain health and functioning. Coconut Oil contains Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 FATTY ACIDS, which are found in the brain.


In addition, these FATTY ACID substances play a critical role in the proper functioning of NeuroTransmitters in the brain. They also affect our Mood, our Emotions and various Cognitive Functions. Moreover, research studies reveal that FATTY ACIDS are involved in helping to protect the brain from conditions and disorders of Neuro-Degeneration.


These FATTY ACIDS can NOT be made by the body. Thus, we have to consume them from foods or get them by taking supplements. We recommend eating and cooking with Coconut Oil that is - pure, virgin, organic and cold-pressed. You can use up to two ( 2 ) Tablespoons per day, but NOT more. Because of the FATTY ACIDS that it contains, Coconut Oil  provides many useful benefits for your health, especially for both your Brain Functioing and Neurological System.


Health researchers are aware that Coconut Oil is known for its amazing ability to raise HGH levels within about thirty ( 30 ) to ninety ( 90 ) minutes of ingesting it. Some clinical studies show that HGH levels can remain at a high level for as much as four ( 4 ) hours after eating it.


You can easily add Coconut Oil ( Organic / All-Natural ) to your meals by cooking with it. So use it in place of processed oils, like Safflower Oil, Soybean Oil or Peanut Oil. You can also use it instead of placing butter or margarine on a frying pan. And you might even like the taste of your foods better as a result.

Reduce / Eliminate Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine is another substance that can significantly degrade the Quality of Sleep that you get at night. In addition, caffeine can interrupt the normal cycles of sleep in what are called the Four Stages of Sleep. Therefore, if you drink or ingest caffeine in the evening, before your sleep time, it can actually directly lower the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that your body will most likely produces and release that night. So again, this relates to what we explained above about waiting at least Three ( 3 ) Hours from the time from your last meal of the day ( now also including if you are drinking any  caffeine ( such as in coffees, some teas, soda drinks and especially "energy drinks" ) between your last meal of the day, and your sleep time.

Moreover, did you know that caffeine can deplete ( remove ) the B Vitamins from the body? And these Vitamin Bs are crucial for so many processes, functions and activities of our metabolism on a daily basis. The GHR PLATINUM products specifically include certain Vitamin B ingredients, since they are critical for our overall health ( physically, mentally and emotionally ). Our bodies can NOT store them, except Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin, so we need to ingest a sufficient supply of them every day, or increase our intake with supplements.

Like CAFFEINE, but perhaps in a greater way, drinking ALCOHOL also has a large detrimental affect on the Quality of Sleep people get. Specifically, HIGHER amounts of alcohol can severely affect when you reach the Sleep Stage called "REM Sleep", which is vital to have Quality of Sleep. In addition, alcohol can cause you to spend LESS TIME in that vitally-needed phase of "REM Sleep", when you do finally reach it during the sleep cycle.

Finally, there is the use of tobacco, which could also disrupt your Quality of Sleep. Moreover, it also can lead to many other negative or serious health conditions.

Lose Weight ( Body Fat and Belly Fat )

The amount of BODY FAT that a person carries around can directly impact the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that their Pituitary Gland produces and secretes. Many research studies have consistently shown this phenomenon. Clinical studies reveal that there is a direct link between levels of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) and the amount of Visceral BODY FAT one has. However, for some reason, BELLY FAT in particular, has the most adverse effect on the ability of the their body to create and release HGH.


Consequently, if you can lose some BODY FAT weight, it can help to improve your ability to raise your HGH levels. But more importantly, by losing any BELLY FAT, you can help yourself to boost your Growth Hormone levels much more. The GHR PLATINUM HgH Releaser products can help you to lose both BODY WEIGHT and BELLY FAT.

Get Some Exercise

Various research trials have shown that particular forms of exercise can help to boost HGH levels. Generally, this involves some type of intensive workout or strenuous exercise. However, if you can get outside and do some quick-pace walking for approximately thirty ( 30 ) to forty five ( 45 ) minutes a day ( or use an exercise machine ), it can also help improve your overall health. It can help to reduce stress and enable you to clear your mind. It helps your circulatory system, your cardio-vascular system, and muscular system. It can enhance your general well-being, both physically and mentally.

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