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Each GHR Platinum formulation is specifically and uniquely designed  

GHR Platinum for Men 1 Bottle

Each Bottle contains 40 Capsules

( @ 1 Month Supply )


  • Amino Acid Blend
    Proprietary Blend - 755 mg



  • HGH Enhancers ( Ultratropin™ )
    Proprietary Blend - 151 mg

    Anterior Pituitary ( USA source )

    GABA ( Gamma-AminoButyric Acid )
    Hypothalamus ( USA source )

    L-Ornithine Alpha-KetoGlutarate ( OKG )
    Alpha GlycerylPhosphorylCholine
       ( Alpha GPC )

    Mucuna Pruriens [ Seed ]

  • Cognitive Enhancers
    Proprietary Blend - 262 mg

    Acetyl L-Carnitine ( ALC )
    Coenzyme Q-10 ( CoQ10 )
    Gingko Biloba ( organic )
    Phosphatidyl Serine 20%
    Phosphatidyl Choline 40%

  • Longevity Anti Oxidants
    Proprietary Blend - 180 mg
    Alpha Lipoic Acid
    OPC ( Grape Seed Extract 95%, organic
        Vitis Vinifera L )
        [ OPC - Oligomeric ProanthoCyanidins 3 ]
    Goji Berries ( organic, fruit, Lycium )
    Resveratrol ( root )
        ( Polygonum Cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. )

  • Vitamin B1 - 50 mg ( Thiamin )

  • Vitamin B2 - 50 mg ( Riboflavin )

  • Vitamin B5 - 50 mg ( Pantothenic Acid )

  • Vitamin B6 - 50 mg ( Pyridoxine )

  • Vitamin B12 - 150 mcg ( Cobalamin )

GHR Platinum for Women 1 Bottle

Each Bottle contains 40 Capsules

( @ 1 Month Supply )


  • Amino Acid Blend
    Proprietary Blend - 750 mg

  • HGH Enhancers ( Ultratropin™ )
    Proprietary Blend - 151 mg
    Anterior Pituitary ( USA source )
    GABA ( Gamma-AminoButyric Acid )Hypothalamus ( USA source )
    L-Ornithine Alpha-KetoGlutarate ( OKG )
    Alpha GlycerylPhosphorylCholine
    ( Alpha GPC )
    Mucuna Pruriens [ Seed ]

  • Cognitive Enhancers
    Proprietary Blend - 263 mg
    Acetyl L-Carnitine ( ALC )
    Coenzyme Q-10 ( CoQ10 )
    Gingko Biloba ( organic )
    Phosphatidyl Serine 20%
    Phosphatidyl Choline 40%

  • Longevity Anti Oxidants
    Proprietary Blend - 180 mg
    Alpha Lipoic Acid
    OPC ( Grape Seed Extract 95%, organic
    Vitis Vinifera L )
    [ OPC - Oligomeric ProanthoCyanidins 3 ]
    Goji Berries ( organic, fruit, Lycium )
    Resveratrol ( root )
    ( Polygonum Cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. )

  • Vitamin B1 - 50 mg ( Thiamin )

  • Vitamin B2 - 50 mg ( Riboflavin )

  • Vitamin B5 - 50 mg ( Pantothenic Acid )

  • Vitamin B6 - 50 mg ( Pyridoxine )

  • Vitamin B12 - 150 mcg ( Cobalamin )

To learn about the science, research studies and clinical trials that support each 

of the above ingredients, read these Reviews by Doctors and Researchers. 


  • Rhodiola Rosea

  • Fenugreek Extract 50%

  • Tribulus Terrestris

  • Yohimbine

  • Nettle Root

  • Biotin ( Vitamin B7 ) - 1000 mcg

  • D-Aspartic Acid

  • Zinc - 15 mg

  • Saw Pametto


  • Ashwaghandha
    ( root extract 2.5% Withanolides )

  • MACA Root ( organic, Lepidium Meyenii )

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA )

  • Collagen

  • Garcinia Cambogia ( fruit )

  • Calcium

Bottle Ingredients - GHR Platinum for Men
Bottle Ingredients - GHR Platinum for Women

RHODIOLA ROSEA - This herb is a very potent Adaptogen herb used to improve athletic performance, elevates the capacity for exercise, improves physical endurance, increases energy, fights cancer, improves diabetic conditions and aids in weight reduction. Rhodiola Rosea has also been shown to shorten recovery time for workouts and physical activities. It is also known to increase the body’s ability to properly adapt to stress.

FENUGREEK EXTRACT - This is a medicinal plant known to naturally restore testosterone, enhance both athletic performance and libido in men. It is also shown to lower blood pressure and blood sugar for diabetics.

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS - This ingredient is known to help maintain proper testosterone levels in men, increase libido and also helps to prevent erectile dysfunction. By promoting protein synthesis and positive nitrogen balance, Tribulus Terrestris helps speed muscle recovery time, as well as strengthens and increases overall muscle mass.

YOHIMBINE - This compound is derived from the bark of the Yohimbe tree. It is known as a very common natural ingredient in energy drinks due to its ability to increase blood flow and deliver nutrients to working cells. Thus it helps improve athletic and physical performance. It is also used as a powerful aphrodisiac, due to its ability to arouse sexual excitement.

NETTLE ROOT - This herb comes from the Stinging Nettle Plant. It is known as a natural DHT Blocker which helps prevent hair loss and hair thinning. It also helps naturally restore testosterone. It assists
in supporting healthy prostate gland / muscle functioning, while it helps to relieve symptoms associated with some prostate problems. This includes helping to reduce night-time urination. It even aids in relieving joint pain.

BIOTIN ( Vitamin B7 ) - is a water-soluble element, which is known to help prevent hair loss. It plays an important role in supporting metabolic functions. It works as a Co-Enzyme to digest food, especially carbohydrates, which in turn, accelerates the ability of the body to burn fat.
 - ( also called Aspartate ) is an Amino Acid that is used to build other Amino Acids.
It plays a role in the production of Testosterone. It helps to improves various parts of physical & mental health. It helps to increase energy by its involvement in making the compound Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide + Hydrogen ( NADH ), that is then used by the cells to create the substance Adenosine TriPhosphate ( ATP ). This is the main carrier of energy used in the cells of the body. So it works with 
Vitamin B1 ( Thiamin ), which also participates in this cellular metabolic activity.

This amino acid also helps build muscle strength,  while enhancing mental cognition and the health of the heart. Research shows that it helps to restore Growth Hormone ( GH ) in the Pituitary Gland.
D-Aspartic Acid is also vital for heahlthy functioning of neurological activities, supporting good Brain health, and Cognitive Functions, such as memory, focus, clarity & learning. Therefore, it might help in preventing age-related Cognitive Decline & some Degenerative conditions ( Parkinsons, Alzheimers ).


ASHWAGANDHA - The root of this herbal plant is used as an Adaptogen, which helps in balancing hormones, thyroid gland and adrenal support. It is also known to help the body manage stress, anxiety, and metabolism. It improves mental sharpness, menstrual symptoms and decreases pain and inflammation in the body, which provides for many anti aging benefits.

MACA ROOT - This herb is from a plant root known to increase energy, athletic performance, physical endurance and memory. Women use Maca Root for female hormonal imbalances, menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms. It is also known to help strengthen bones, help prevent osteoporosis, fights depression and to elevates the mood.

CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID ( CLA ) - This  refers to a group of plant compounds that are found in the Fatty Acid - Linoleic Acid. CLA is known to help reduce body fat deposits and improve immune function. It is also clinically shown to support good cardiovascular and bone health, maintain healthy blood and cholesterol, reduce body fat / weight reduction. Moreover, it is shown to be a fat burner with increased muscle retention.

COLLAGEN - This ingredient is the principal protein that is found in skin, bones, tendons and connective tissue. As you age, your body is less able to produce a sufficient amount of collagen. According to the American Academy of Dermatology ( AAD ), skin wrinkle reduction is one of the possible benefits of taking collagen supplements. As people age, the  natural elasticity of their skin decreases, because of a reduction in collagen production. Relief from joint pain and stiffness is among the many benefits of taking collagen supplements, as described by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases ( NIAMS ).

GARCINIA CAMBOGIA - This fruit is rich in Hydroxycitic Acid ( HCA ), that is known to be the fastest fat burner available in a natural form. Garcinia Cambogia works by suppressing the appetite and preventing your body from making excessive fat tissues. It also reduces the release of extra glucose in the body, which speeds up the process of carbohydrate conversion into fat. It is also known as the most recommended and most effective natural weight loss supplement available on the market.

CALCIUM - Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. Adequate calcium is needed to prevent thinning bone density and osteoporosis. Research suggests that calcium may prevent weight gain, because it promotes more fat to be burned and less fat to be stored. The average  diet in the USA is believed to be low in calcium. And since the body does not produce this Mineral on its own, doctors recommend supplementing your diet with additional calcium.


ZINC - is a very important Trace Mineral, it works in more than 300 processes & functions in metabolism every day. It is crucial for our daily health. But our bodies can NOT store it. So we must consume it from food every day, or else get it from using supplements. It is needed for activities of Thyroid Gland Functioning and strong Immune System Function - fight against bacteria and viruses. This critical mineral also helps with many other functions, including body growth and development, eyes / vision, blood clotting and healing of wounds. It also enables the physical senses of Smell and Taste. This mineral is especially important for men, because of its role in supporting Prostate health, and promoting sexual health and proper levels Testosterone. Finally, ZINC is necessary to make and store INSULIN. And it is also used to make certain PROTEINS which are used to create DNA and various other Hormones. Therefore a lack of sufficient ZINC can lead to numerous health  problems. For example, there could be a reduction of our ability to make the Hormone LEPTIN, which helps manage our Appetite and healthy weight level.

SAW PALMETTO - is a small herbal tree / palm plant that produces fruit berries. These berries contain certain ingredients which block the actions of an Enzyme called 5-Alpha-Reductase ( 5-AR ),which converts the Male Hormone Testosterone ( T ) into the Male Hormone DiHydroTestosterone ( DHT ). When that DHT gets into the scalp, it then goes down into the hair follicles. There it attaches to specific points called Androgen Hormone Receptors ( AHR ). Over the time period of many months, and years, it then causes the hair growth cycles of the affected strands in those follicles to become shorter. As a result, those hair follicles grow for a shorter period of time. This means that the hair strands in them, grow shorter, and are also thinner and weaker. Even the color of those affected hair strands often becomes lighter.


Eventually, sooner or later, those hair strands that are affected by the DHT simply do not grow back at all. And this leads to the hair falling out. When a lot of hairs in an area have fallen out, you start to notice balding spots and patches, which increase in size over many years, as more and more hair strands fall out. This is called Male Pattern Baldness. Certain ingredients found in Saw Palmetto, including the compound Beta-Sitosterol, block the harmful DHT from binding to those Androgen Hormone Receptors in the scalp hair follicles. In this way, Saw Palmetto works as a "DHT Blocker" to help prevent hair thinning and hairloss, by reducing the adverse affects that happens when DHT accumulates inside the hair follicles.

Group of Medical Doctors and Researchers on Ingredients
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